Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I receive IMSLEC training?
IMSLEC accredits training courses. Our online directory lists the accredited courses that offer Multisensory Structured Language Education (MSLE) training.
Does IMSLEC certify individuals?
While IMSLEC does not certify individuals, many of IMSLEC's accredited members offer certification. Certification is also available from national organizations, including the Academic Language Therapy Association, Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators, International Dyslexia Association, and Wilson Language Training.
What is the value of IMSLEC accreditation? What are the benefits?
IMSLEC has been accrediting MSLE courses since 1997. Accreditation indicates that an outside organization has conducted a rigorous review of the training course and verified the course meets the standards of providing in-depth knowledge and effective training in MSL education.
Is IMSLEC accreditation permanent?
Maintaining accreditation is an ongoing process. Initial accreditation is reaffirmed after three years and renewed after five years. Reaccreditation is completed every seven years thereafter.
What does "multisensory structured language education" (MSLE) mean?
The term was developed to describe the characteristics Orton-Gillingham-based approaches share in teaching reading and language skills. These characteristics include explicit, direct instruction; sequential, systematic, and cumulative approach; diagnostic teaching to inform instructional plans; synthetic and analytic instruction; skill development to application; and consistent vocabulary. In 2014, IDA adopted "structured literacy" as an umbrella term designed to describe all the programs that teach reading in essentially the same way.
Must a course meet every requirement before applying for accreditation?
The applicant must have completed a minimum of one complete cycle of training and graduation of a class at each level offered. Applications may be submitted when all IMLSEC criteria are met or will be met by the first accreditation visit.
Must the evaluators have access to our financial records?
A qualified accountant should provide a written statement confirming that the program's financial records are in order and the program has adequate financial resources to operate.
Who makes the final decision to accredit?
The Board of Directors makes the final decision on granting accreditation. The Accreditation Committee forwards its report and recommendation to the President, who then appoints one board member to review and present the application to the full board for its decision.
Is there an appeal process in case of a negative report?
The applicant can review and respond to the report before it is submitted to the Board. Applicants may also appeal directly to the Board before the Board issues a decision.