IMSLEC Accredited Course List
IMSLEC accreditation is global. It is not limited to the state or country in which the course office is located.
Organization: | Slingerland Institute for Literacy |
Training Course: | Slingerland Multisensory Approach for Language Arts |
Site Director: | Bonnie S. Meyer |
IMSLEC Representative: | Nancy Cushen White, Ed.D., BCET, CALT-QI, CDT, LDT |
Contact Information: |
PO Box 1648 Bellevue, WA 98009 425-453-1190 |
Accredited: | 2001 at Teaching and Instructor of Teaching Level |
Organization: | Wired for Reading |
Training Course: | Wired for Reading |
Site Director: | Laura Rogan |
IMSLEC Representative: | Laura Rogan |
Contact Information: |
2311 N. W. 201st Street Shoreline, WA 98177 (206) 234-7331 |
Accredited: | Teaching and Instructor of Teaching Level |
The International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC®) online directory is for private, non-commercial use. It is offered to IMSLECĀ® members to facilitate communication among members and for referral purposes only.