IMSLEC Accredited Course List
IMSLEC accreditation is global. It is not limited to the state or country in which the course office is located.
Organization: | Phillips Fundamental Learning Center, Inc. |
Training Course: | Literacy Intervention Specialist Training Program |
Site Director: | Jeanine L. Phillips, MSEd, CALT-QI |
IMSLEC Representative: | Tammy Kofford, MSEd, CALT-QI |
Contact Information: |
14533 E Sharon Ln Wichita, KS 67230 (316) 684-7323 |
Accredited: | 2022 at Teaching and Instructor of Teaching Level, 2005 at Therapy and Instructor of Therapy Level |
The International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC®) online directory is for private, non-commercial use. It is offered to IMSLECĀ® members to facilitate communication among members and for referral purposes only.